About Us

A Bible-Believing and Welcoming Country Church

Our Purpose

Pleasant Valley Primitive Methodist Church’s purpose is to preach the gospel. The Bible reveals the purpose of the church is to enable individuals to know God as Savior and Lord through faith in Jesus Christ and to glorify Him through evangelism, edification, education and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.

What Is A Primitive Methodist Church?

A Primitive Methodist Church is a “church”, a body of believers who are committed to exalting Christ, to jointly serving Him together, and to calling all people everywhere to turn to Him in faith.

A Primitive Methodist church is a “ Methodist” church. Methodists, historically, emerged from the revivals that swept England and America in the 1700’s. They sought to intentionally grow in their faith by practicing a number of standard spiritual disciplines (or methods some called those disciplines) and passionately sought to reach the lost for Christ.

A Primitive Methodist church is “primitive”. No, that doesn’t mean we don’t heat our building or have indoor plumbing! In the 1800’s, some within the Methodist Church felt like the denomination had grown too comfortable and has lost its zeal for evangelism. This group called themselves “primitive “ Methodists because they wanted to go back to the beginnings of the Methodist Church, to its original distinctive, its “primitive”  beginnings.

Our Beliefs

We believe the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, to be the only true rule of faith and practice. We hold it to be wholly and verbally given by God and therefore without error in all its teachings.

We believe in One God, who exists in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

We believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ, the Son; conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

We believe in the Deity and Personality of the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the creation of man by a direct act of God; man’s fall into sin and the resulting corruption of the human race.

We believe in the provision of Redemption for all men through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ upon the cross.

We believe in the necessity of Repentance, including Godly sorrow for sin and reformation of life.

We believe in Regeneration, through the work of the Holy Spirit.

We believe in Justification by grace through faith of all who believe.

We believe in Sanctification by the Holy Spirit, producing Holiness of Heart and Life.

We believe in the Resurrection of the dead and the conscious future existence of all men.

We believe in the Second Coming of Christ in power and glory.

We believe in the future Judgment of both the just and the unjust issuing in eternal rewards and punishments of all men.

We believe in the Church, which is instituted by Christ and composed of all believers in Christ as Savior.